The Soul: Consciousness and Expansion by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

Understanding this “Gift of Life” is knowing that all life is conscious.
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Life values the beauty of consciousness; all life is aware and living each day in the Love and Light of God.

The Soul: Consciousness and Expansion
by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

February 24, 2020

The Gift of Consciousness

All creation is conscious and all is aware. All is evolving into higher forms and to finer densities. In Creation, it is the human that was, and is, given the ability to know the “ I ” as Self beyond the forms. To Think, to Reason, to Choose that which is right, from Soul to outer life. This so that we may come to Know God and to Know our Spirit. God's gift is we are free to choose to develop and, upon realization, to be of service from deepest Love of all Souls and life, understanding salvation and to go on to Higher Forms of evolution, to Higher Realms as one evolves. Gods Glory Is Infinite and Unbounded.

All Creation is vibrations of Consciousness, extensions of the Soul's advancement entering densities of matter and expanding to higher and finer vibrations. Some of Creation then is not seen by the human eye unless higher development has taken place. This perception in finer vehicles is made aware to each person in their own experience. Meditation refines the Soul. Through meditation we raise the consciousness and our perceptions so that we experience vibrations In Pure Spirit and Truth that is not temporary, but OF, and IN, the Eternal.

The Gift of Life, an Awakening

This world is awakening to this reality and over the last 2,000 years more hidden knowledge has been revealed, knowledge that was always carefully concealed in Ancient Texts. In the Mysteries is found the knowledge that life itself is Aware and Conscious and this is reflected in Soul development and expansion. It is the Light one then gains that transcends the darkness, illuminating it. Scriptures hold Keys that reveal the growth of the Soul, Spirit Essence and purpose of the Divine Incarnation of an Avatar. The Fire of the Holy Spirit is given through inner purification, expansion and awakening and is available to all; there have been so many Masters and Prophets who came then and now with these Messages.

The Ancient and Spiritual, Scriptural and Mystery Teachings address that the Soul one “IS”, is encased in matter, and destined to Awaken: Born Again of Spirit as Soul Consciousness expands and joins in Spirit as the true Inner Union. This experience is needed to advance in awareness and experience reality and the higher Truths of the entire cosmos and higher universes. Then to higher forms and in degrees of Cosmic Consciousness of Spirit in matter, freeing the Soul where Consciousness resides back to the Light that was trapped inside. As Consciousness expands one understands that a seeming lifeless rock is far from lifeless. The Light lives in all densities of matter, from finest subtle to gross physical.

We know the inside of an atom is pure energy... and inside a cell is the information, Light and purity one is encoded with, a matrix of destiny gifted when they are born. It is the Soul that can regenerate through the Spirit, through Love of God and refine daily as the lower nature transforms to Know the inner meaning of Thy Self and the Supreme Being. There are Unified Fields of Intelligence of Spirit and this lives in the densities of matter that Knows all, as part of The One. One In Spirit to the Soul Spark, to Know as the Awakened Flame, realizing and experiencing finer densities of matter that can then live in that Unity beyond all the “isms” to reach Soul Reality as ONE, in Spirit, in all developments of growth. Understanding this Gift of Life is to awaken more each day and in continuing to refine our perception of Realization, realizing and knowing that all life is aware in degrees, and that Kindness is Natural to Unity as are Love, Fairness, Integrity and Compassion.

The Great Gift: The Awakening and Expansion of Consciousness

God is in All and in Everything so nothing is ever lost. Science tells us matter's form can be altered through physical and chemical changes, however, the same amount of Essence in matter exists before and after the change; meaning natural evolution of Soul is under Divine Law that governs Natural law in creation. There is a Higher Evolution for all densities of matter, which gives insight into a greater respect for Nature and the need of expansion of Soul development. Matter becomes finer as Consciousness expands as every cell has intelligence and communicates to the Unified Fields of the body, Soul and Heart. This is how healing can take place, from the Source of Thought; the “ I ” within from Soul aligns in Thy Will. Prayer and Meditation are vital to Soul growth and in self-referral. From the Spirit, one in greater understanding can also direct this same inner intelligence to healing, thinking, actions, creating a better life and better choices with finer discernment. Rather than trying to replace life, discernment is necessity to reach the finer levels of technology that Science also serves. From Soul to Heart, Mind and Spirit integration we can truly build on the “ONEness” that all are already part of as a Totality.

In this “awakening and expansion transition” things are stirred up. Each individual chooses with greater discernment, using their developing finer perception and heart expansion. We can then incorporate the incoming Solar and Cosmic Energy that is raising up the entire planet to then rejoin the Celestial Reality of Higher Evolution.

Life is a Gift, and through love, unity and strength all can create a World we envision, one of Beauty that values Life, aware in protecting it and living more each day in the Love and Light of God.

Diane M. Rousseau LHD PhD

2023 ISS edit by Ray J. Rousseau
Copyright © 2020-2023 Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

May the light and love of God prevail. Please let us know how we can help.

Tags: mind body and spirit spiritual science

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