Tag Search Results

The following articles in “Integration” Blog match the tag “wisdom in ancient teachings”:

Mother Herself is Guru by Dr. Gulab Kothari
Mother, as ‘Krishna', sings lullabies to her 'Arjuna'.
The Age of Holy Spirit by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau
God Is Love, The Supreme Spirit, The Supreme Light Of Lights.
A Summary of Karma by Joseph Michael Soos
Karma results from our actions and reactions.
Creation: A Symphony of Life by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau and Ray J. Rousseau
Each Soul or Light is precious to the Creator.
Our Ishta Devata by Eric Fremaux
We choose a Beloved Deity as a focus for Devotion.
The Divine Balance by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau
Spiritual revelations realized from the expansion of Consciousness.
I Am Not the Body by Dr. Gulab Kothari
That part of us which is eternal, is not of the physical body.
Inter-Dimensional Understanding by Chanderhas Kumar
Inter-dimensional travel is not a new science.
Meditation is the Golden Light Key by Diane M Rousseau LHD PhD
The Mantra and Devotion to God reveal the Eternal Truth to the Soul.
Brahm's Journey by Dr. Gulab Kothari
Brahm's journey is the evolution of an individual Soul from Brahm, and back again.
The Way of the Soul by Diane M. Rousseau, LHD, PhD and Ray J. Rousseau
As our Soul awakens, it becomes aware of it's Spiritual mission on this earth.
Sacred Truths and Sacred Knowledge by Dr. Diane M Rousseau
Enlightenment has its Source in the ancient Mysteries.
Spirituality and Epochs of Time by Diane M. Rousseau LHD, PhD
In each Epoch Spiritual Truths are brought forward, advancing the timeless Union of Truth and God.
Cycles of Time and the History of Root Races by Asiananda: Introduction and Part One
A mega-cyclical view of Indian History and the Theosophical idea of H.P. Blavatsky's Seven Root Races.
Cycles of Time and the History of Root Races by Asiananda: Parts Two and Three
A mega-cyclical view of Indian History and the Theosophical idea of H.P. Blavatsky's Seven Root Races.

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