Sound, Pathway to Source by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau and Ray J. Rousseau
Sound; A pathway to the Eternal aspect of Being. Sound, as in words, spoken prayers and music, all have a vibration, a unique resonance and wave length. Each sound contains unique and specific energies inherent in their wave patterns and these are a manifested form of Divine creative energy, a vibrational aspect of the same force which moves through and enlivens all living things. Sound, Pathway to Source by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau Ray J. Rousseau Sounds of Higher Spiritual ResonanceEverything in the physical universe is manifest energy; energy which vibrates at different intensities and frequencies, and this frequency is the rate, or wave length, at which a particular energy vibrates. In addition to the physical universe, energy, again as a wave vibration, is a ‘scientific' way of explaining the Divine creative energy, or the ‘life force', that moves through and animates all living things. “If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”- Nikola Tesla. Viewed as both a physical and a Spiritual Science, we can then understand that words and music have a vibration, a unique resonance and wave length; each containing specific energies inherent in their wave patterns.To help visualize this, think wave patterns on an oscilloscope screen. These waves can be coarse, choppy, and dis-harmonious, essentially actively working to create disharmony, or, they can be expressed in a finer, or Higher Spiritual Resonance, and be harmonious, comforting and healing. We have all experienced these effects in our own lives and we intuitively learn at young age that words can be an influence or force for good or ill; words can heal and they can wound. Everything we hear or express with sound has influences resonating from the gross to the subtle, and therefor on one's own mind, heart, and body - as well as those around us and our surrounding environment.(1) Searching for Source“When we understand the Source of Sound, we can think of sound as waves of thought that ripple out from the Silent non-moving Source. Each time the ripple moves out from the Source, it ‘creates a greater ripple' and moves into a greater field of the grosser sound.”(2)The finest levels of sound, those that are ascending from the gross physical up to the sweetest and finest Subtle, are Sacred music, Spiritually empowered prayers, mantras, hymns, chants, and the spoken Sacred Languages, all of which are vibrations that resonate from the subtle to the physical. Nature speaks and sings in these higher Vibrations, revealing Higher Truths as Sacred Geometry and Harmony in God's Creation. An empowered Mantra is a Sacred Encoded Name of God, and, when said in Silence, its vibration purifies the Soul on all levels as the Spirit Transcends the physical mind and outer world. The intrinsic value or power of Prayer, of Spiritually centered self-reflection, of Scared Music, Sacred Names and Holy Scriptures, and of Mantra Meditation(3) is that these all bring one closer to Source, towards the Supreme Creator. To reach Source is to be United with the Infinite Divine, to reach an understanding that is gained and expressed through the union of Inner Revelations to outer experience and manifest actions, actions that then reflect the higher values of the Spirit, and all life and of a Divine Purpose of Creation. A living energetic inner vibratory wave of energy (e.g. sound) that ascends in a vibration to reach the vibration of a Light that illuminates each field of existence and transcends through the many layers of Consciousness.(4) Sound and Vibrations: Pathways to SourceThough the use of Sacred Music, Holy Scriptures, and empowered Mantras there is expansion of awareness, of Soul Consciousness, of the Soul through Spirit, a realization on multiple levels and a greater awareness as being ‘One and All' in the totality of the Spirit Within all Creation. This realization of Divine Spirit increasing, of Soul Awareness, along with a finer Heart attunement as the discerning guide, rises from the Source of thought that creates the words. Light illuminates each field of Consciousness and one is more Self-governing, from an expansion of Spirit with a greater awareness of Right Action. When we reside in these states of restful and conscious alertness, we now become more connected with a greater potential: the realization of who we are as we begin to tap into the Soul, that Eternal aspect of Being that is beyond space and time.(5)(6)From a direct experience of these events, experiences and existences in Higher Realms, and a remembrance of the eternal lessons of life, lessons of the past and present are to be recognized and understood. Compassion is born from recognition, a personalization of the Divine leading to an eternal and boundless Spirit to Soul understanding... and fusion with the Holy Spirit. From our Soul's increasing Holy Spirit awareness, our Spiritual Heart and Spiritually directed intuition becomes the discerning guide, arising from the very Source of thought, the Awakened Soul from beyond the conscious mind that creates the words and from and beyond all physicality. We can call this awakening, this expansion, as realization and internalization of the power of pure, selfless and Divine Love. A Unique VibrationLife will have its trials, complications, and adversities, however, the answers to surviving and growing in life is to open our own hearts to the Divine because the more we feel, the more we understand, and the greater then is our resulting desire and capacity to help when and where we can. We can easily recognize when this increasing Divine Love flows into outer expression; our Inner Intuition guides us to supportive actions and words; words and actions that uplift, dispel darkness, add to Beauty, Kindness and finding ways of working together in creating Peace, Hope and inspiring others for the Good and welfare of all.Nature in all Her Beauty, as a Creative Love manifested by the Divine Almighty, is infinitely diverse in expression by design and so naturally all Souls are unique; each given a unique vibration or song and a purpose ‘to be' and to be expressed in creation. When one's heart opens to the Divine it then overflows with this vibration of Divine Love. The Spiritual Science is found in the potential for the expression of a uniquely singular vibration of the Divine Plan that one can make manifest in this life. God Calls, and an inner desire to be of service is born, as this expression of His Love is an outcome of Spiritual Union. To Know one's Self then, is to Know the Brother-Sisterhood of Life, and All of God's Creation and 'Thy Will', as we are then compelled to bring the Song of Truth, the vibration of Divine Love to this world. Footnotes: (1) For more on sound and how it reverberates in our body, mind, heart, and Soul, see: Subtle Sounds to Higher Realities by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau, Ray J. Rousseau (2) Excerpt from Diane M. Rousseau's 2010 Thesis: ‘The Spiritual Science of the Unified Field'; Chapter 6 “Releasing Energy Through the Spiritual Sound Waves of Light – Mantras”, page 166. (3) For more on mantras, see: Mantras: Connecting With the Divine, Sacred and Transformative Sounds by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau (4) For more on light and sound waves, see: Spiritual Sound Waves of Color and Light by Diane M. Rousseau LHD, PhD (5) Each person, each individual soul, though their expanding Consciousness, becomes aware of their own Divine Self as they receive the “Sounds of the Cosmos”, known also as the Music or Frequencies of the Spheres. For more see: Consciousness Unfoldment; The Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of Divine Creation by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau (6) For a Vedantic view on sound as a Divine expression, see: The Word and Soul Transformation by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau Edited for the Institute of Spiritual Sciences (ISS) by Ray J. Rousseau. Copyright © 2024 Dr. Diane M. Rousseau and Ray J. Rousseau May the light and love of God prevail. Please let us know how we can help. Tags: |
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