Source of Thought by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

In the quantum field thoughts have a relative energy and a “Life”.
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The Universe also draws upon unseen energy that sustains the entire relative field. Thoughts express a new cosmology uniting relativistic science with the quantum field.

Source of Thought
by Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

Source of Thought

If we look into the idea of global mind, we must also look at the “Source of Thought”...

The Unified Field, Quantum Physics, Consciousness Source Energy, Thoughts… going beyond.

This thought expresses a new cosmology uniting relativistic science with the quantum field. An Electron could be looked at as self-sustaining point of energy, encompassing dark matter as part of a field of infinite space or non-relative Source which it draws upon or comes from; much as a thought has life and energy, yet comes from the “Source of Thought”; this science is starting to seriously consider.

While some units of energy have a life span as does the Sun, the Universe also draws upon unseen energy that sustains the entire relative field. An Electron is like a microcosm of relative and non-relative energy as subtle and gross wave properties that can be affected in the relative macrocosm; just as a thought can (we know we have thoughts); but how do we prove or show the evidence of the origin of the subtle energy that creates the matter that creates the brain, that inspires the mind to create the thought? Here is where experience gives insight and will direct new technology that will measure the energy field of a thought or intent as it leaves the person, for it will be composed of Primal Energy, which directly relates to the persons level of understanding or Consciousness; it will have an energetic signature that one will be able to identify with geometry and it will have a life span. In other words, one will see the positive or negative reality they generate and how this affects the Collective and Nature as finite to Infinite Intelligence.

While it can be agreed upon in theory that an Electron also in a sense has freedom, it will affect the atmosphere by intent, in Infinity, this would relate not to intellect but to Intelligence that governs the Collective and has its basis at the Source of Thought or the governing Source Matrix that both energy and matter draws upon. Energy does not die, it is a constant; it is matter that changes form and density based on expansion suggesting a choice which directly relates to Consciousness. Just as an Electron excites as attention is placed upon it, so too is the energy that is behind the life of a thought; it is then the value of the thought which has the life span, not the Source of Thought, Soul or Spirit. It is the Energy that is behind it that can be accessed; for that is Infinite and so shows how our ability to connect with the Source of Thought, the Self and is the basis for true and lasting Global Transformation and changing the Probable Future. As the thoughts enter the Collective Consciousness they are transformed as they are picked up by each individual, which again affects the collective and changes the environment; the 100th monkey principle.

Each Unified Field of Energy has Electrons partial to that Field, so each is as Wave, a frequency that changes matter to finer and finer density levels or gross densities based on the quality of the Wave, or, the quality of the Thoughts. The Quality of the Energy or Level one is able to tap into also shows how long a life span a thought will have. The Global Mind then is relative, unless the Source of Thought, which has its basis in the Non-Relative/Divine Field, can affect it from each person's ability to tap into the Self... The Source, Infinite Spirit, in which is Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Love or Energy, Infinite Intent or Will. This is reflected in us as we Awaken, unbounded and unhampered by the surface or collective mind that sees only what is material or what can be measured.

Individual and Collective Consciousness

From here we can see more the value of who we are as Individual Consciousness (which constantly expands as we Meditate; an Infusion) and how we affect the Collective Consciousness, which directly affects the Present and Future; for as we expand how we think, what we think, the Power in the nature of the thought increases. Humanities progression or stagnation, including education, technology, health, life span and Nature as an Intelligence, all need to be realized and is directly affected by us in our thoughts, actions and ability to help all facets of life. We realize, as we expand in our unity, our Oneness through our connection in Source, The Almighty, with direct experience of, and in, our ever-expanding understanding of the Supreme Source Soul of All; our thoughts are Enlivened as they become magnified as we transform.

From finer levels the Global Mind expands, not from the relative field, but from ones Spirit; this is the Unification that was known long ago, that Science and Spirituality are One and through Infusion of the Divine we see and witness a quantum leap in the Global Consciousness from each enlivened Spirit.

Copyright © 2014-2019 Dr. Diane M. Rousseau

May the light and love of God prevail. Please let us know how we can help.

Tags: spiritual science

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