Charlie and Helen Lutes by Vincent J. Daczynski

Charlie and Helen Lutes were founding pillars of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement.
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Photo of Charlie and Helen Lutes.

Editor's notes: Mr. Vince Daczynski was with SRM and Charlie and Helen Lutes for well over 30 years. Vince has been practicing the TM technique for over 50 years. He trained with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Rishikesh, India to become a teacher of the TM program in 1969. Vince has worked tirelessly to preserve and document the early days of SRM, the TM movement and i particular the contributions of Charley and Helen Lutes. -RJR

Charlie and Helen Lutes
by Vincent J. Daczynski

Charlie Lutes

Charles F. Lutes was the first person to enroll into the Transcendental Meditation program offered by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the Continental United States in 1959. Impressed with the meditation technique he had received, Mr. Lutes teamed up with Maharishi and became a founding pillar of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement centers which later expanded into many branches of the Transcendental Meditation organization. He took four world tours with Maharishi to open hundreds of meditation centers around the world. In 1969 he became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program.

Mr. Lutes had gained God Consciousness enlightenment after two years of practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. He was one of the most advanced of Maharishi's teachers of Transcendental Meditation. Mr. Lutes was clairvoyant, a healer and a lecturer. He was also accomplished in many yogic siddhi powers.

Charlie Lutes with H.H. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Mr. Lutes preferred to keep a low public profile. Instead he traveled extensively to meet with his extended family of thousands of meditating friends. He used his spiritual gifts to help all those with the consciousness to receive him. He gave inspirational lectures on a wide variety of spiritual matters, and discretely performed numerous healings and assisted many of his friends with their personal problems. He maintained a 24 hour, 7 day a week, telephone hot line for anyone who wanted to reach him; and the phone rang off the hook. For over forty years Charles Lutes dedicated his life to helping people stay on the spiritual path.

Although he had a strong executive, command presence whose light filled the room when he entered, and he held several titles of distinction in both the corporate business world and within the Transcendental Meditation Organizations, he always wanted to be known just as ‘Charlie.' His compassion, warmth and understanding, and jovial and casual demeanor immediately made anyone feel comfortable to be near him.

Charlie was my best friend as he was for many others. Everybody loved Charlie.

Helen Lutes

Helen Lutes was born with a high level of spiritual development. She was a child prodigy with an exceptionally keen understanding of human nature. She began the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique with her husband, Charlie, in 1959. Since then Helen volunteered her time to help Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with his Transcendental Meditation Movement. She was an excellent administrator, organizing courses and managing finances. Helen also worked on special projects for Maharishi. It was through her efforts, working with her husband, that the foundation was established for the rapid expansion of the Transcendental Meditation program throughout the world.

Helen Lutes with H.H. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

In 1967, Helen studied in India with Maharishi at which time she became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program. Maharishi appointed Helen as the first President of his Spiritual Regeneration Movement. Helen also served as the Transcendental Meditation instructor for celebrities who preferred to keep their meditation practice confidential.

Helen spent her life in selfless service to others. When Charlie took over the administration of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement, Helen continued her service as his organizational assistant. She also served as a meditation guide, assisting people with their Transcendental Meditation practice. Further, she used her high spiritual attainment and keen insights into human nature to assist people with their personal problems. Like Charlie, Helen made herself available to anyone who sought her counsel. Helen gained the respect of thousands who sought her assistance; many referred to her as their Spiritual Mother.

Helen loved everybody and everybody loved Helen

Photo of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Charlie and Helen Lutes.

More Information

For more information and photos of Charlie and Helen, and to see more on Charlie and his writing, please use the search function on the ISS web site.

Additional information and photos of Charlie and Helen and H.H. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi are available at this very informative website designed and maintained by Mr. Vincent J. Daczynski.
Mr. Daczynski's site contains many photos, articles and documents from the early days of SRM (Spiritual Regeneration Movement).

Also, please write us HERE at ISS for more information.

May the light and love of God prevail. Please let us know how we can help.

Tags: charlie f lutes

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